My publications cover soil organic carbon storage and dynamics, forest and cropland soils and management, agroforestry, greenhouse gas emissions, soil sampling methods, teaching, writing, and more.
Gross CD, Bork EW, Carlyle CN, Chang SX (2022) Agroforestry perennials reduce nitrous oxide emissions and their live and dead trees increase ecosystem carbon storage. Global Change Biology, 00, 1–17. doi:10.1111/gcb.16322
Gross CD, Bork EW, Carlyle CN, Chang SX (2022) Biochar and its manure-based feedstock have divergent effects on soil organic carbon and greenhouse gas emissions in croplands. Science of The Total Environment, 806, 151337. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.151337
Ma Z, Bork EW, Carlyle CN, Tieu J, Gross CD, Chang SX (2022) Carbon stocks differ among land-uses in agroforestry systems in western Canada. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 313, 108756. doi:10.1016/j.agrformet.2021.108756
An Z, Bork EW, Duan X, Gross CD, Carlyle CN, Chang SX (2022) Quantifying past, current, and future forest carbon stocks within agroforestry systems in central Alberta, Canada. GCB Bioenergy, 14, 669–680. doi:10.1111/gcbb.12934
Weber TL, Hao X, Gross CD, Beauchemin KA, Chang SX (2022) The effect of manure from cattle fed barley- vs corn-based diets on greenhouse gas emissions depends on soil type. Soil Systems, 6, 47. doi:10.3390/soilsystems6020047
Battaglia ML, Thomason WE, Fike JH, Evanylo GK, Stewart RD, Gross CD, Seleiman M, Babur E, Sadeghpour A, Harrison MT (2022) Corn and wheat residue management effects on greenhouse gas emissions in the Mid-Atlantic USA. Land, 11, 846. doi:10.3390/land11060846
Lemelin C, Gross CD, Bertholet R, Gares S, Hall M, Henein H, Kozlova V, Spila M, Villatoro V, Haave N (2021) Mitigating student resistance to active learning by constructing resilient classrooms. Bioscene, 47(2), 3–9. ISSN 1539-2422
Weber TL, Hao X, Gross CD, Beauchemin KA, Chang SX (2021) Effect of manure from cattle fed 3-nitrooxypropanol on anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions depends on soil type. Agronomy, 11, 371. doi:10.3390/agronomy11020371
Gross CD, Harrison RB (2019) The case for digging deeper: Soil organic carbon storage, dynamics, and controls in our changing world. Soil Systems, 3, 28. doi:10.3390/soilsystems3020028
James JN, Gross CD, Dwivedi P, Myers T, Santos F, Bernardi R, Fidalgo M, Faria D, Amaral I, Harrison R, Butman D (2019) Land use change alters the radiocarbon age and composition of soil and water-soluble organic matter in the Brazilian Cerrado. Geoderma, 345, 38–50. doi:10.1016/j.geoderma.2019.03.019
Gross CD, James JN, Turnblom EC, Harrison RB (2018) Thinning treatments reduce deep soil carbon and nitrogen stocks in a coastal Pacific Northwest forest. Forests, 9, 1–19. doi:10.3390/f9050238
Gross CD, Harrison RB (2018) Quantifying and comparing soil carbon stocks: Underestimation with the core sampling method. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 82, 949. doi:10.2136/sssaj2018.01.0015
Gross CD (2019) Strengthen your teaching skills to enhance student learning. CSA News Magazine, 64, 2, 26–28. doi:10.2134/csa2019.64.0222
Gross CD (2019) Annotated bibliography: Active learning, student resilience. University of Alberta Centre for Teaching and Learning. doi:10.7939/r3-72j8-p869
Gross CD (2018) Your science story: Part II, Writing outside the box. CSA News Magazine, 63, 11, 40–41. doi:10.2134/csa2018.63.1128
Gross CD, Battaglia M (2018) Your science story: Part I, Avoiding an impenetrable fog. CSA News Magazine, 63, 10, 34–35. doi:10.2134/csa2018.63.1026